If you observe the way we live in the western world, you see endless running after our assignments. From our role as a parent and spouses, to our role in our work… and we jump from one duty to another.Even if we decided our priorities in life, even if we feel we've made the right choices, still – we find ourselves reacting, reacting and more… reacting.When we finally come to the end of our active day, even if we do sport, or we sit on the sea shore, our thoughts and emotions continue their "inner movies".A thought leads to a thought leads to a thought… and together with the thoughts, emotions arise and endless conflicts we need/want to solve…We don’t control this process. We are driven into it. The best time to observe it is when we drive or when we do walking. Endless inner movies…And when we go to sleep, our dreams take control of our mind and even when we don’t always remember our dreams, they take place .So our consciousness which can be imagined as our desktop is always busy with thoughts, emotions and physical sensations.We can not stop thinking. It's like our inner screen saver. The streams of thoughts and emotions probably have biological function. (We know that when we stop thinking – we're dead.)But we can bring ourselves into situation of calmness.Calming our inner organs, muscles, tissues, cells, and lowering the activity of thoughts and emotions- like a calm ocean.In a situation of a calm ocean, everything is clear. Even if there are objects or dirt at the surface of the ocean. You can see them clearly, and this is the first step to get rid of them.The same is with our being. We are an integrated being of bio-psycho-spiritual entity. As said before, most of us, most of the time lives with our "inner tsunami". Calmness tool like a meditation with imagination can reduce the tension and stress in our daily life.The mediation that I use and teach does an inner tour into our organs. We imagine the organ and send tranquil image to it with love and light. We also hug them and we feel they hug us in return.Then we quiet thoughts and emotions like a calm ocean.After lowering the waves, we are ready to build an inner space of calmness and we record that inner space into our consciousness.After repeating this exercise for some time we can decide on a special sign with our fingers and do a mental connection between this sign and the calmness inner space.It works. We can operate calmness upon us when ever we want.
Sharpening the senses:
The senses ability to input data from the environment is shaped by our genes.As we grow up, we usually loose sharpness in our senses, though technical and technological devices assist us to close the gap of loosing sharpness.But processing the data into objects in our consciousness is a compound one.The question is- whether we can sharpen the quality and the weight we give to the incoming data? Sometimes our ears are ok from the physiological point of view but we don’t listen. Or our eyes are fine but we don’t observe.
"sharpening the senses" has two objectives:1/ focusing on every sense so that the input is very clear.2/ understanding as an ongoing process that each one of us interprets the input from our senses differently. :"the flower that I sense isn’t the flower that you sense"Do an exercise with a friend and you compare the description of an object as it comes from each of your senses. You'll find out an amazing fact:Each of you, sense each of your senses differently, and the integrated perception of the object being grasped, is also "painted" with your past experience of a similar object.If you had an emotional experience with one of the objects in the past, it might evolve from your memory and flow into your conscious at this very moment you're doing the exercise… your friend who didn’t have such emotion will feel nothing…So this tool is to observe the way we percept reality that merges from our senses input and how our memory has an active role in this perception. Understanding the fact that we grasp different reality, will help us to be more tolerant in the process of interactions with one another.If we can apart the data we input from our senses from previous experiences, we can come to a greater common ground when we share our views.
When was the last time you took a sheet of paper, paint brush and colors?Could it be in first or second class when your mom told you:" Leonardo Deviancy will not come out of you"?When was the last time you wrote a poem or a short story… even if you had no intention of showing it to anyone?As we grow up, especially in the western society, we put aside our "childish creativity" and are taught by our parents, community and society to "get serious and put our energies into "serious studies".As we grow up, in the little free time we have, we spend it on entertainment that is the cultural agents offered to us: hotels, ski, concerts, movies and TV.But actually, nothing can replace the sensitive feeling of experiencing creativity. There is no "too late" to take the paintbrush again, to write a short story or to start singing and playing.Stuck energy can be released in doing creativity. There is a deep feeling of happiness. A person finds himself as a companion. Creativity gives a person the possibility of getting acquainted intimately with his inner being.Creativity is the process of implanting your soul into the work. And when you observe the created object – you see the reflection of you from different angles. The object becomes your spiritual friend/child.The process of doing creativity gives a lesson to the feeling of being with oneself. This is different from being lonely.If we are the image of God, then creativity for us is fun & a game… just as if we are God's game.
Love & compassion:
So much has being said about love and compassion. This tool observes love and compassion from the idea of the ability to contain the other in yourself without imposing on him your perception or your values.When I talk to you, are you a trigger to my associations only or do I fully absorb your being into me as a whole and give you empathy to what you are, as what you are?Love and compassion are bridges for communication. When you love some one, you need less word to communicate with. Because you understand the situation, because you're tolerant, because you accept the other as he/she is.The giving is the getting. That’s the beauty.Being is a state of love is to see the beauty in life, to have the sensitivity for the sorrow and pain of the other.Being in the state of love is to give a hand, but not imposing yourself on other.Even God respects people's free will. He gives them hints for what's good for them, but he lets them decide their way.We can suggest actively a surrounding and environment for change for people we love and care for, but they have to have their freedom of choice.This is the beauty of inner motivation and inner maturity. Just like the mysterious wonderful moment when the seed has its motivation and power to take an action and breakout its aliveness from the sleepiness mode he was at. We can try to build an environment for our love ones believing that all the parameters where there, for the change, but they- have to take the action of doing… with their inner motivation and inner maturity. And can only give them the confident that we'll be there for them at that precious moment.
Did you ever observe how you intention is operated? What brings you do this and not that? What is the motivation behind your intention?It's like lifting a curtain in your consciousness and finding another curtain behind. It like getting to the question of what "moves us" (with its double meaning).Observing our intentions and motivations is like digging into our inner flowchart of our values and beliefs. The flowchart that contains our inner priorities. Like a software program we have inside of us many hidden "if" equations.If we observe very clearly this flowchart we might get to some values and beliefs that are conditioned in us from childhood, and just maybe, we don’t need them anymore. Our parents, the community and society we lived in gave us their "flowchart of truth" but as we grew up, we noticed that some of their values and beliefs don’t fit us. Our inner being feels they don’t echo as part of our path of life. So the process of observing our priorities is very significant to live a life that resonance as "good for our path".We can use our breath flow and our emotional barometer to indicate whetherA value or a belief that is programmed in our consciousness is right for our path of life. If we repeat to our self a value, and we breathe very deeply and smoothly with it. That could mean we are positive to it and feel good with it. After observing our flowchart and priorities we can go further and observe our directions in life. Just like a driver that holds a map and point out the place he want to get to, we should observe our actions and direction and see if they lead us to the target we want to get to.Sometime the target is very far and we don’t have the means and resources to get to it. Sometimes we want to get somewhere or we take an action that has nothing to do with our intentions…and that brings a waste of time and energy…
The appropriate quantity of energy to put into our actions is something we have to look into. Sometimes we know what is good for us, we know the direction but the energy we put into getting what we want is too much or less of what we should. Nobody but our inner being can tell us the right quantity. We can always look at the results of things and say – it didn’t work because we were too enthusiastic or we were too weak..Looking back is good if we want to learn from past experience for the next appearance of the same situation, but the question is whether we can develop a tool that can estimate the quantity of energy before we act?Just like in the balling game – when we prepare for the throw, we take a breath, we lift the arm in the right angel, but then its the energy we put into it/ that will make it a strike or a miss.So when ever we take action we should look at the volume of energy we should put into it. The is no absolute right or wrong. We are pipes of energies made from different mixture of genes and physiological- biological –psychological –spiritual components. X energy for me for succeeding the target can be y energy for you. So the idea is to learn what kind of energetic pipe transmitter we are and to fill the right amount of energy for the right situation.
Reality has endless faces. We observed the fact that we percept and interpret different angles of reality. The reality- which is the big picture is also dynamic and changes all the time. Synchronicity is a tool that was given to us by nature to let us know that we are on the right track for us.Synchronistic wave is when things and people come to us in the right timing with no efforts.It’s a delicate interaction with the environment telling us we are tuned to our inner being and objects get magnified to us.We think of someone and he calls us. We are looking for a parking place and a car just leave when we want to replace him. It’s a wave because when we are in it we get so many hints from the environment and it stops to be arbitrary, it stops to be luck or a statistic chance. We go with the flow and we are sensitive to what it brings us.When we are tuned to our inner compass, after exercising calmness as part of our 24 hours and if we learn to keep our chakras opened to the flow of energy in us, then we can be sensitive enough to enter the wave of synchronicity.It's like learning to see a stereogram. Once you see one, you see them all.
What's the difference between attention and concentration?When you look at an object or a person, do you see "the whole picture" or do you see the details? In the scale from, "whole picture at one end and details on the other, where are you located?Most people are not balanced with the two. There is no good or bad. Actually to be able to see the whole picture and then to drill down to details is the optimum perception.It's all a matter of resolution of focusing. As been said before, reality is a compound of endless items and particles. The more we zoom in – we see that a new world with new rules of interaction among the objects opens up.Concentration is our ability to focus on our target for a period of time. Concentration takes a lot of energy from us. It's like a light projector that lights on an object but also "inhale" the input of that object thru our senses.The idea of "the whole picture" and the details" is relative. Because once we zoom into one detail of an object, focus on it with high resolution, suddenly that detail becomes – "the whole picture".When we interact with one another, it’s a good idea to check the attention and the concentration of that person. If we want to deliver a message, it's like throwing a ball. We better check that the other person is willing and preparing to receive the ball. We better observe in real-time our attention and concentration of what's being said to us as well.
Beside our 5 senses, we have hidden senses. Our intuition is one of them. But most of us take intuition as a hunch – with no exploration of how it works.When we exercise calmness as part of our life and we learn to quiet our biological organs, our thoughts and emotions, we free space in our mind to utilize these hidden senses.Some people see auras, some people hear their inner being talk to them and direct them and some people feel energies.As being written more then once, reality is very compound and it's all a matter of resolution and sensitivity to grasp more reality.Imagine that we could put on our face quantum glasses. If we could see the chair as a group of movement of particles and any other objects – in the same way. We will see waves of particles in different density and movement.Some people can see it, some people can feel it.These hidden senses that are being operated add to the richness of input of data in the process of grasping reality.We can enter a room and feel – good atmosphere or stuck atmosphere.We can meet a person and feel his chakras flow of energies.As we become more and more sensitive, we feel three modes: positive- attraction, negative – distraction, and neutral- indifference.In the process we learn to relay more and more on these senses as a sign whether we are on our path or getting out of it. Body maintenance:We do sport if we do – for our look and fitness but we rarely interact with our inner organs. We are educated that inner organs are automatic and they know how to function without our thoughts or attention. On the daily basis this is true and practical. But when we do give attention – love and light to the body part, subsystems, muscles and cells, we become more sensitive to them – we can do inner massage and take care of aches or become attentive to slight changes that might give us alert for illness.Do you know the names and the functions of the organs in your digestive system? – This is just an example to illustrate the fact that we ignore the organs and remember them only when something hurts us.The same ignorance is regarding the food we eat. Food is one of the most important pleasures in life..(Sometimes even more than sex). But did you ever think what do the cells in your body like to eat for breakfast?Our body is a very intelligent machine. We need oxygen, water, minerals vitamins, proteins, fats, sugar. Some foods are good to keep the immune system strong and active.Maybe it's about time to understand the metabolism and the process from the minute we chew to the moment our cells get their meal.Body movement is also important. It's good for the heart, for the muscles and for all cells health. Its good to release stuck energy.The water we drink the quality and quantity is important to keep us refreshed and sharp minded. Many of our head ached are out come of our thirst.And finally, we should be aware of the way we breathe. Our cells need oxygen to operate, and if our breath is not deep enough, it doesn’t supply enough oxygen to the body cells and to the brain. The result is headache and getting tired.
Getting the picture:
How many times did you have the feeling that the energy in a group is stuck, bad, gets you angry, or the other way around – when you're with a group of people and you feel "love is in the air"?Every group has its dynamic energy. You can learn to analyze the components of this energy. Some times there are formal rules to the group but the informal rules are dominant.The name of the game is sharp observation:Who is the leader? What does he contributes?Who is active who is passive? Are there sub-groups? Who leads them?Where am I located? What do I contribute?How much do I keep my identity? How much do I share information?Are the people in the group my friends or is it only a mission group?Can I change the energy in a group if I feel it's unbalanced?Can I bring love and compassion to the group?Do I interfere when in I see inappropriate behavior? How do I do that?Do I talk with other members of the group to see if they see it the way I do?Could it be I put to much weight on some values that the other doesn't see it as critical as me?Will I leave a group that doesn't support my values?Understanding the situation is always from my subjective point of view. But the more I try to be an observant together with being a participant; I can build some parameters to check the dynamic of the group behavior so that I will not be surprised if suddenly, reality will shock me with an action toward me or others, that I wasn’t prepared to or aware of, or expected.
Balance between action and reaction:
Part of the art of living is balance. To be balanced is to observe your behavior and to decide when to be active and when to be passive. We need both conditions in different situations. Some are very basic, like the question of the hours of sleep. We all know that when we don’t get enough sleep, our functioning is bad.Balance is a matter of give and take. Relationship has to do with this equation. How much do we contribute to hold and refresh our relationship.. How much do we wait for our partner to do the job? How passive or active are we in sex? Symbolically we can see if we are "sun" type or a "moon" type.A sun type is an active person that shines his light on other. A moon type absorbs the light of other and reflects it.When we talk with a person, how balanced is the conversation? When I'm listening, is it an active listening or do I just hear… and my mind is not attentive? Do I listen only when the words being said trigger my association. Then I stop listening and I enter the "inner movies" of my consciousness? Or do I give space in my mind to absorb all what being said?In our job, are we initiators or do we just obey the rules? Am I workaholic or do I find time for my self, for my soul, for observing the way I live and not only operate in an automatic mode? In society are we initiators of just obey the rules?In our community are we leaders or followers?With our friends... in our families?The right balance for me is not necessarily the right balance for you. The question is "is my operation and behavior fits my nature, fits my path of life, and fits my essence".
The twelve tools of awareness are there for inner active observation.There are mainly question in different areas of life.They are mentioned not for self judgment or self critics but in order to develop an inner compass to tune our self. We are pipes of energies. From one end we are "generated from the same factory"- the factory of humanity. – We have a physical body, an ego, our consciousness and our private mind.But we also have our uniqueness: our genes, our experiences, our dreams and our own path.Only I can get connected to my path of life. The path that I feel harmonic with.The path that I can be active in 3X C: Calmness, Creativity, CompassionI know my path when I'm in a mode of sharp senses and calmness.I know my path when I feel happy with myself – my body, my health, my life.I know my path when I have enough energy for tolerance and patience for people that disagree with me.I know my path when I'm enough modest to understand that I'll never see the whole picture, and that the picture it self is dynamicI know my path when I believe in "live and let live" – have the right for my way, but not imposing it on others.I know my path , if ,when I go to sleep, I minute before falling asleep, I smile to myself after screening on my consciousness what I went through.I know my path if I have relationship with the people around me, the plants, the animals, nature and the huge cosmos.
Monday, September 3, 2007
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